Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

We are lucky enough to have not two but THREE wonderful loving mom's that we appreciate and cherish very much.

Lubka is my mom. She is sooo far away but yet so close to us....She has always been there for me growing up and she still is, but not just for me anymore, but for Ryan and Kaylee too...We are very blessed to have her in our life and we all miss her very much. Thank you for all the good meals you have prepared when you visited us, thank you for doing the dishes and taking care of Kaylee in the morning so we could get a good sleep, thank you for watching her when we needet to go on a date, thank you for walking Coby, thank you for helping us move....Simply said thank you for everything you are and everything you do for us mom. We think of you every day and can't wait to see you again soon.

Stastny Den Matiek....

Laurel is Ryan's mommy. All the way in Texas she is so we don't get to see her a whole lot either but everytime we do we enjoy her company so much! She always has a smile on her face and is so energetic! Thank you Laurel for your help with Kaylee, Coby and the house when you visited after she was born, thank you for your love and good example you are to us. We miss you a lot and are looking forward to see you in a few days!

Carol is our "adoptive" mom. It's not on the paper of course but she is like a real mom to us and since she lives in Utah (at least one of all three of them :o) ) we get to spend a lot of time with her. There is nothing better to do on Sunday afternoon then come to your house for the yummiest dinner, play games and most of all see your smiling face. Thank you for taking us on fun trips, opening your home to us, inviting us to spend holidays with you and your family, thank you for your love and kindness, thank you for being you. We love you and miss you.

Mami, Laurel and Carol, you are all so caring, loving, friendly, patient, kind.....and unique.

We can't even imagine our life without either of you. Sorry we can't be with you on this special day, but we want you to know that we love you dearly and feel very blessed by having you in our life. Have a great day and enjoy every minute of it.

Happy Mother's Day!!!


Ryan, Erika & Kaylee


Kate Call said...

cute posts to your moms erika! and happy mothers day to you too.. hope its a great day.

Luba said...

Krasne slova! Zo srdca dakujem za ne.
Je uzasne byt mamou a tiez byt mamou takych deti, ako ste vy. Uzivala som si kazdu spolocnu chvilu s vami, nie je casto ze sme cela rodina spolu.
Lubim vas.