Monday, September 21, 2009

7 months...

Our sweet little Kaylee is 7 months old today.... I can't believe we have had her here for so long! Everyday is full of fun, trying new things, foods, sounds and moves....I would never go back to it being just me and Ryan (not that he is not a good company). We just enjoy everyday activities so much more now and our life is just happy because of Kaylee. I still find it amazing how such a small person changes your life so much. She is so patient with me, always happy, good eater, good sleeper (she has been sleeping trough the night ever since she was 5 weeks old!!!!), she is the CUTEST baby girl ever born :o) and the best daughter I could ever ask for. Happy 7 month birthday Kaylee, we love you very much!!!

Mom and Dad

Kaylee today:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Oreo cookie

Oh how Kaylee LOVES those. Not that I give her any! She just serves herself one whenever she gets a chance :o) It's sooo funny to watch her face when she even sees an Oreo cookie. She gets so excited, starts clapping and throwing her hands in the air, reaching for it so hard... She just sucks on them and just loves them. Can you blame her???