Our little Khloe was finally given a blessing last Sunday. I felt so bad about waiting for so long, but it was really important for us to have some family there. Summer is extremely busy with Ryan's schedule and his dad travels for work so much that we couldn't find a weekend where we could all get together. We had two options with one being doing it in Alabama with just to four of us or wait and have at least his dad there with Ryan. Since Kaylee already had two birthdays and none of her grandparents were ever there, I just didn't want to be sad about them missing another event in my kid's lifes if I can help it. The blessing was beautiful, Ryan did a great job. Although Khloe was crying almost the whole time, I loved it. It was a beautiful and happy day. We are so happy to have Khloe in our family and in our life. She brings joy and happiness to us every day since the second she was born and we all adore and love her more that she'll ever know.