My 10 month old Kaylee bug is walking :o)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
10 months
Kaylee turned 10 months today!! Can't believe it. She is still as pretty as can be, still doesn't like juice (strange I know), loves pizza (just like her dad), mac & cheese, sugar cookies and cheese. She has 7 teeth (4 on top and 3 on the bottom) and she WALKS!! I was sitting on the couch and she was playing with the TV stand today, turned around and walked straight to me!!!! The distance between the couch and the TV stand is like 7 feet and her steps are so tiny so she took a lot of them. I'm so proud of her. I started to scream for joy and she is just looking at me like "what's the big deal mom? " Anyway, here is a shot of Miss Kaylee with Santa (she started to cry and scream half a second after we took this picture, what a surprise, she is a mom's girl). And she gets to have her auntie Petra here!!! Oh they are just going to be best friends by the time Petra will leave.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
aaaaand the wet wipes
Yes, I do fold them and put them back in the box after she is done. Several times a day :o). And see those diapers and that open drawer behing her?...........
Keeping busy....
By now, everybody knows what a organizer my daughter is. She can't walk/crawl by a pile of anything without giving it touch of Kaylee.....If it's in the box, it needs to go out and if it's in the pile, it needs to be thrown around the whole room. From the clothes in the drawers in her or our room, folded towels in the basket in the bathroom, my scrap booking stuff in the basked, pile of newspaper, all the stuff in the diaper bag (which drives me crazy when we need to go somewhere and I get everything ready, turn around for a second and she takes everything out of there....), the wet wipes in the box and anything else you can possibly think of.
Well yesterday we bought a new box of diapers and you can only imagine how busy Kaylee was after we came home....see for yourself :o)
There is 228 diapers in that box. At least there was before Kaylee got into it. So now you can imagine how busy I was after she was done :o)
Monday, December 14, 2009
First steps
Yes, my beautiful daughter has made her first steps today!! ( it was like 5 or 6 to be exact) I know she still has a long way to but I just wanted to post it on here so we'll remember this day. She is growing way too fast and I enjoy being with her every day. Never gets old and I wouldn't change it for the world. And I just have to mention that we have 6 days left until my sister comes to spend the Christmas with us!!! I can't wait to see her again. It's been too long and it's time for her to come and see how much her niece has grown since she saw her last. Hurry Petra, we can't wait to have you here!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
What a helper
my sweet daughter is. I did mention before that she LOVES to "organize" stuff. Put her next to a pile of newspaper and minute later the whole room is covered with it. Put a box of wet wipes near her, she'll pop it open and start taking wipes out one after another until she runs out of them. She'll take stuff out of my purse, her diaper bag name it. When she leaves the room and is quite for more that 15 seconds I know what's going on and this is what I usually find.


she is standing there so proud of her work. Makes me smile. Love her so much :)
how cute is this? aaaahhh I'm so lucky to have her...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Dancing Queen
Here is that video of Kaylee dancing. It was sooo funny. She would walk around that toy over and over again until the music started to play, and then she stopped and was doing funny moves. I love her. She is super cute and always entertains us :o)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Having fun
We drove up to grandpa Clause's house tonight to celebrate his Birthday. We had a great time as we always do when we visit with them.
Kaylee was entertaining us with the cutest dance performance I've ever seen. I'll post a video later and some pictures for now.

this is Kaylee blowing a raspberry....she can't do it the right way so this is what she does instead and I can tell you it's soooo much cuter :o)
being very busy taking that toy apart
she loved all the Christmas decorations
can you tell how beautiful her eyelashes are? (if not click on the pic to enlarge).
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sick on Thanksgiving
Yes, Kaylee's very first Thanksgiving wasn't that exciting.... She caught a cold the day before which started off with the runniest nose ever and the following night was not fun for a single person in our house....
She was waking up every 20 to 30 min the whole night long, she was running a high fever and threw up 3 times on me and Ryan.... My poor little baby....I felt SO BAD for her. I didn't even want to take her to the family dinner, but we ended up going for couple of hours and she was such a trouper. We called the doctor right after we came home and went to get the medicine they told us to get and my sweet little baby slept like a baby that night :o). I wish I could say the same thing about me. I was too busy shopping from midnight to 8:30am for toys and Christmas presents. I got some really cute stuff and saved so much money!! Anyway, Kaylee is feeling better, but is not 100% over it yet. Here are pictures of us on Thanksgiving day. Can you believe how good she looks after a night of NO sleep and being so sick?Sunday, November 22, 2009
9 months
I can't believe that it's been 9 months already since I got to hold my little Kaylee bug for the very first time. We have been having so much fun together every day since than and I can't imagine not having her in my life.
She has changed so much since February and learns new things every day. She weights in around 18lbs 6oz and is almost 30 inches long. She has two and a half bottom teeth and 4 on top. (well, 2 teeth and 2 half's on top :o). Her hair is much lighter now and so thick and long!! She now eats everything that we do (except dairy of course), stands up with no problems and walks like a pro when I hold just one of her hands. She can stand without me helping her for a super long time and loves helping me empty the dishwasher. Every time she hears me open it she'll come within seconds, stands up and starts taking out everything she can reach. She can climb up the stairs very fast and I don't even know how did she learn it since we don't have any at our house. She loves gold fish snacks, Graduates Lil crunchies, pretzels, puffs and ice cream (we don't give her a lot of ice-cream often but when she gets a little she'll do anything to get more and more...) Her favorite sippy cup is the one with the straw attached to it. She is my little organizer. When she sees a pile of diapers, news paper or anything similar to that, she HAS to "organize" it by spreading it around her in the circle and I wish you could see her face while doing it.....She is so focused and knows that what she is doing is so important and has to be done :o) I love it!!
I love getting her up from her naps or in the morning. I hear her talking to her little bear so I stick my head in the door and make some noise so she knows I'm there. She puts the biggest smile on her face and starts to jump up and down when she sees me. Bath time is still her favorite and she can't sit there for more than a second. Every bottle of shampoo, conditioner,shower gel, and the faucet are so interesting that she has to crawl and climb on everything to get to one.... She also waves at me back when I wave at her, and my favorite is asking her for kisses. I say "can I have a kiss?" and she opens her mouth wide open, leans towards me and gives me the sweetest kiss :o) If I dare to put her Binky in my mouth Kay comes right after me, takes it out and puts it in her mouth. Sometimes she comes back to me and puts it in mine. So sweet. She knows Momma and Dada and baba whoever that might be.
Overall, Kaylee is patient with me, sweet and happy and I LOVE being her mom and spending every minute of every day with her.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Walking with Leo
Grandma Carol was spoiling Kaylee again and got Leo for her. Kaylee LOVES to walk around the house with him. It's so fun to watch. Thank you grandma C!!! Hope you'll have a great week!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Auntie Petra
thank you for my new Halloween costume. It was so nice of you to think of me and get me my very first costume. I miss you so much and can't wait for you to come visit me in December. Happy Halloween!!!
Love, Kaylee
Trunk or treat
Our ward had Trunk or treat and chili cook out tonight and it was fun. Cold, but fun. Food was yummy as always and Kaylee was enjoying it as well. Doesn't she look adorable?? The cutest little bunny I've ever seen :o)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Halloween is coming and since we haven't have a chance/time to carve pumpkins or do anything halloween-ish yet, we decided to go to Garden Village yesterday before it gets too cold. It was fun and I'm excited to go back next year when Kaylee will be older and can enjoy the petting ZOO there as well. Aaaah I just love spending time with my two pumpkins :o)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
8 months
Kaylee is 8 months old today!! She crawls like a pro, faster and faster everyday, she stands up with NO problems, walks with mommy's help, makes me happy every day, makes me smile everyday, loves taking baths and she sure loves her daddy. And we love her back! Happy 8 months Kaylee!!
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